Category: FOOD

  • Largest Vegan Sports Bar Will Be In Boston

    Largest Vegan Sports Bar Will Be In Boston

    The largest vegan sports bar will be and Boston, and its going to be the biggest in the world! Location of the sports bar is prime and can influence the world with its awesomeness. PlantPub is the name of the company that will be opening the sports bar, and they say it can seat 300…

  • Andrew Zimmern Helps Plant-Based Chicken Company

    Now Andrew Zimmern Helps Plant-Based Chicken Company by becoming their adviser. Company Tindle has been making plant based meat since 2021 and works with around 110 chefs and 400 restaurants around the globe. “Tindle is a fantastic example of how the food choices we make can create positive change for our planet—without sacrificing amazing flavor…

  • El Punta Vegano – A Healthy Vegan Destination

    If you love Latin cuisine, then you might have heard about the popular vegan Mexican restaurant El Punta Vegano in Puerto Rico. I was blown away by the amazing vegan food that the owners serve. In my opinion, any good vegan restaurant should offer vegan diners a wide variety of dishes so that they can…

  • Why We Should All Drink More Water.

    Water is important, do we really need to drink more? Every human alive has a lot of water inside of them. Roughly 80% of your body is water content. Though some of it isn’t exactly water anymore after running through your lymphatic system. It pearls and turns into different materials to keep your body clean…

  • Why drinking hydrogen water can be good for you!

    Drinking hydrogen water has a load of benefits. Hydrogen water looks just like water but is made up of more hydrogen than H20. So you see little fizz bubble when you pour it! Hydrogen gas functions as a strong antioxidant, reactive oxygen species are protected by hydrogen. Inhalation of H2 gas has also been shown…