Category: TRAVEL
El Punta Vegano – A Healthy Vegan Destination
If you love Latin cuisine, then you might have heard about the popular vegan Mexican restaurant El Punta Vegano in Puerto Rico. I was blown away by the amazing vegan food that the owners serve. In my opinion, any good vegan restaurant should offer vegan diners a wide variety of dishes so that they can…
The Greenest City in the World.
Being human, it’s one thing to be green, but it’s a whole other level to be the world’s greenest city! Copenhagen is currently ‘that’ city. Topped with the opportunity to ski down the roof of a green-energy power station. They have solar-powered boats and you’re able to swim in a clean & safe busy urban harbor. While you’re staying there, you can live in an eco-friendly hotel and dine on vegan food on nearly every street! unsplash-logoNick Karvounis All of the people there, businesses and all,…
Sleep In See-Through Bubble With Elephants.
For 585$ USD, you can sleep in see-through bubble with elephants. Low lights and a cup of joe as you walk around with retired elephants, who doesn’t want that? Well I know I do, and will enjoy going to this sleepover with the elephant’s retreat. What is Sleep In See-Through Bubble With Elephants? With a…
Poland’s Glow-In-The-Dark Bicycle Path.
Imagine rolling down a bright blue glow-in-the-dark path at night that is charged by the sun during the day. The material charge lasts 10 hours, more than enough time to last throughout the night. The project is small but the impact is reaching millions. Not having to pay for energy after installing this roadway that…