This man bet his own penis by injecting himself with a mysterious yellow discharge. Not knowing what was in the discharge, he punctured holes in his body and filled them with the yellow liquid. Then he told the world that he figured out two diseases were the same… hint… they’re not!

Why Did He Bet His Penis?
He wanted to see if gonorrhea and syphilis were the same disease. This lead him to testing a mysterious yellow liquid on his own penis and then publishing his findings as fact. For 50 odd years people believed his statements as fact. Humans are so interesting, they would rather believe the words of a documented scientist that put yellow goo in his penis rather than testing as a community. Either way, he was wrong and actually contracted both diseases from the yellow goo.

Who Was The Man Who Bet His Penis?
John Hunter is the name of the surgeon who injected himself with a mysterious yellow penis goop. Grew up poor in 1728, life was different without modern science. In 1767 he did this penis experiment which has put him in the half of fame of weird experiments. This means he was 39 when he cute open his… you know what… and filled the holes with a mans supposably gonorrhea yellow discharge.

Why Didn’t He Use Someone Else’s Penis?
Well he could have, and used studies from visual and symptoms of patients who already had this liquid. Some scholars believe that he did use someone else penis but the majority of people do not. I would not put it past a human to do something weird like this, but I would hope he didn’t and did just test others who already had it. However his posted studies are wrong sooo… maybe he was just mad and put a random yellow goo in his penis. Then published the results.

Would You Dare To Bet Your Genitals?
From past experiences, protect your genitals. Don’t test or try anything that’s not safe and tested. Wrap your willy if you’re playing around and don’t do something stupid. It’s good to be cautious of your stuff especially since its our only way to reproduce on this planet currently.

What do you think? Is it a good idea to inject yourself with yellow liquid? Leave your comments bellow.
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Credit: I Fucking Love Science.
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