Cheetah, the Worlds Fastest Animal on Land

Animals can be fast! With humans maxing out at 28 mph, the cheetah can run a whopping 58 miles-per-hour. However, they are still not the fastest animal in the world. That record is held by an ocean animal and we’ll talk about them another time.

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Cheetahs are notorious for being fast! Growing up, we were told to be fast like a cheetah. Some said that imagine you’re a cheetah chasing a gazelle. I didn’t want to chase gazelles so I said, “I’m going to mix a cheetah and a gazelle and go even faster.”

Close to all wild cheetahs can be located in sub-Saharan Africa, where they inhabit open plains of grassy savannah and forests. A tiny population lives in northeastern Iran, though there are just a few dozen left.

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The bodies of these large cats grow around 4 feet in length, with a tail ranging around 27.56. Their weight varies around 88.18 pounds and males weighing slightly more.

Cheetahs are typically found in groups. Usually a mother and her babies (who remain together for about six months after leaving their mother). Sometimes a group of males live together. Nevertheless, adult female cheetahs appear to be single. They only encounter males to mate with.

Animals that stick together as a family are pretty cool. They raise their young like humans and then let them go once they are ready.

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source: National Geographic Kids.






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