Scotland to have 100% Renewable Energy.

By 2020’s Climate Summit hosted by Scottland, the country will be 100% renewable.

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This goal sets an example for the world, those becoming renewable. Together we get to build a whole reality that makes a new way to see everything. Trees are being planted by the millions everywhere.

The summit starts Nov 9., that gives Scottland around 8 months to be 100% renewable, and they are well on their way. Every day, all around the world, we as humans are helping reach these goals.

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Renewable energy consists of energy that is obtainable over and over with little to no maintenance. Such as solar or wind energy. These methods are mined once and can last as long as they exist in good working order. Materials need to be mined for repair. That is the only part that needs mining.

Coal is constantly mined for energy. Scottland closed its last coal plant back in 2016. The resource coal helps people in mines catch lung problems and cancers. Though people are paying their homes with coal mines, there is a lot of other methods of making money and energy. Together we get to find new jobs and methods of getting the energy that we need without so much mining.

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Source: Renew Economy.






3 responses to “Scotland to have 100% Renewable Energy.”

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