Starting off the year strong, China plans to remove all non-biodegradable bags in its major cities by the end of 2020. They state by 2022 all cities and towns will be using biodegradable bags.

That is not the only thing China has on its mind, by the end of 2020 China also plans to remove all single-use plastic straws inside the restaurant industry.

Being the number 1 ranked population-dense country in the world has its fair share of waste. Not only is China the most populated country, but they are also the world’s manufacturers. Which means China has plenty of product waste.
How is China dealing with this problem besides removing non-biodegradable plastic bags and straws?

Dealing with garbage is changing our world. People recently have invented ways to get rid of garbage altogether. They are turning trash into gasoline or even powering a town by burning garbage!

China, however, is doing other things. One is telling hotels to stop using single-use plastics items. The hotels are given until 2025. Okay, so besides the information stated above, China isn’t really doing anything. Starting is always better than never.
So here is to a good start! Banning single-use nonbiodegradable bags in major cities by 2020! China, thank you, for putting a national cease to the use of dangerous everyday plastics.
If you didn’t know why they are dangerous, just look at these photos.

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